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CSS Library#

The web page grid layout is using Pure.css v1.0.0. The library is in file /template/assets/css/libs/grids-responsive.css. You can learn about the library's CSS utility classes here:

A few animation effect on the page is powered by Animate.css v3.7.0. You can refer to its documentation here:

For example, to remove the logo's delayed fade in effect, you can remove some Animate.css classes:

<!-- remove 'animated' 'delay-2s' and 'fadeInLeft' --><img  class="logo-overlay animated delay-2s fadeInLeft"  src="assets/img/logo-white.svg"  alt="U.S. Department of Education seal"  data-parallax="-0.3"/>


Customize CSS#

You can also change/add your CSS rules in the /template/assets/css/style.css file to apply any stylings.

JavaScript powered styles#

The loading screen and effect is powered by JavaScript in /template/assets/js/loader.js. The parallax scroll effect is also by JavaScript in /template/assets/js/scroll.js. You need to know JavaScript fairly well to customize those. But to remove the loading screen, all you need to do is to remove this piece of HTML:

<div id="loader-wrapper">  <div id="loader"></div>  <div class="loader-section"></div></div>

To remove the parallax effect for an element, just remove the data-parallax attribute, for example:

<!-- remove the data-parallax="-0.3" line --><img  class="logo-overlay animated delay-2s fadeInLeft"  src="assets/img/logo-white.svg"  alt="U.S. Department of Education seal"  data-parallax="-0.3"/>
  1. Try removing the CSS classes for the elements mentioned above to turn off the effect.

  2. (optional) Any custom stylings you know how to apply?