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Update or add images

Other than charts' image exports, images include favicon, hero images and logos.


You can find the favicon tag at the end of the HTML <head> tag:

Image of favicon tag

Favicon is the icon shown in the browser tab or as the web page bookmark icon.

You can update the icon image in the /template/assets/img folder. The image for a favicon should be small. It is easier to use a tool like to generate it.

Once you placed the new favicon image in the folder, you need to update the href of the <link> to point to the new image (if the image path or file name changes).

Hero images or logo images#

These are just regular HTML images. You can also place them in the /template/assets/img folder, and update corresponding href attributes of the <img> tags. It is recommended to use a tool like to compress the image before you use them. Big images can cause the web page to load slow.

You can also delete the <img> tag to remove an image.

Add an image#

You can add new image in the page body using the typical HTML <img> tag. There is no special treatment here.

For example, you can add this to the HTML body where you want to place the image:

<img src="./assets/img/new-image.png" alt="a new image" />

Additionally, you can add inline CSS styles or use a CSS class to style it:

<img  style="margin: 30px 0;"  src="./assets/img/new-image.png"  alt="a new image"/>
<!-- add the style for img-with-margins in /template/assets/css/style.css --><img  class="img-with-margins"  src="./assets/img/new-image.png"  alt="a new image"/>
  1. Add the /template-excercise-material/DataStories_HEERF_Cards.png image to the page body after the paragraphs

(please refer to /template-excercise-material/HEERF Reporting OCDO Blog Entry v0.2 - Copy.docx)